Laundry Services

Being in Buenos Aires you can expect to pay approximately 18 pesos each week or every other week depending on your own personal needs. This is one of the many perks to living in Buenos Aires.

There is normally a Lavadero or Laundromat within every 4 blocks and wait for it. Yes, that’s right they do your laundry for you!!! Not only do the wash, dry, and iron but then they proceed to fold it up nicely for you so that all there is left to do is put it away in your dresser. What’s more is that they normally can do this service for you within 5 hours so that you can drop it off on the way to school, work, or wherever you have to go that day and pick it back up on your way back.

All for the equivalent of approximately 4.50 USD per load. Talk about a nice surprise for those of us who are used to doing it on our own and even better for those of us who have no clue where to begin when it comes to laundry.