The importance of a good mentor

The importance of mentoring relationships becomes evident as we recognize the value of networking and maintaining relationships throughout our professional career. The value of a good mentor is immeasurable when it comes to learning the tricks of the trade as well as becoming connected to those in the know and possess the ability to hire.

A mentor can help to alleviate much of the frustration interns and new employees often feel in their first few months on the job/internship. By sharing their insight and knowledge of both the company and the industry, new recruits in the field can be spared a great deal of stress which is often felt by new employees/interns when acclimating to a new work environment. A good mentor can advise and support the intern or new employee and help avoid an unnecessary resignation due to feelings of incompetence and isolation. A successful mentor demonstrates and upholds the values and ethics of the profession they represent.

Good mentors introduce their new recruits to others within the organization and industry. They will offer support and assistance until you feel comfortable in the work setting. As time goes on, professional mentoring often becomes a two way street and offers benefits to both parties.

By Penny Loretto